Court proceedings

In case of dispute, we protect our clients’ interests constructively and with a primary focus on possibility of peaceful settlement of dispute, all for the reason of process economy and cost efficiency.  The option of court dispute, in our view, should be the last option available to a client, after a client has exhausted all negotiation mechanisms that could have led to a settlement.

We regularly represent clients (legal entities and natural person) before the courts in the Republic of Croatia in all kinds of legal proceedings, whereas we guarantee responsible case governance, applying best of our knowledge and acquired skills, respecting clients’ interests and will, acting in accordance to given instructions, and as well, regularly informing clients about the case status and all undertaken activities.

For more information, please refer to,,

Insolvency and Enforcement

One of the most frequent problem our clients meet is an issue of repayment or collection of a claim they have towards their debtors. Bearing in mind a larger number of legal rules regulating these matters and very often ununified court practise, we advise our clients, either as creditors or as debtors, about legal possibilities that could bring them to achieve desired goal.

Within this area of expertise, we regularly represent our clients in enforcement proceedings before public notaries and before courts, in litigation proceedings triggered by filed debtor’s appeal, in execution proceedings before Financial agency, in bankruptcy and pre-bankruptcy proceedings. Besides described representation services, we also offer services of monitoring of our clients’ debtors’ status and possible debtors’ statutory changes.

GGP team advises creditors and debtors and their management board members in circumstances before and after occurrence of insolvency, and as well, in challenging restructuring procedures including preparation and filing of claim application into pre-bankruptcy, bankruptcy and extraordinary administration proceedings.  On behalf of our clients, we participate in negotiations before creditors’ councils and advise in the process of preparation and implementation of restructuring plans including bankruptcy plan, pre-bankruptcy settlement and settlement in the extraordinary administration procedure We also provide assistance in internal restructuring and reorganization activities of entrepreneurs in newly circumstances helping them optimize business processes on the basis of corporate governance, internal acts, human recourses and statutory issues.

For entrepreneurs in difficulties, we can provide legal service in the segment of interpretation and preparation for restructuring procedure and restructuring with state aid and also participate in preparation of restructuring plan based on EU rules.

For more information, please refer to,,

Commercial contracts

GGP provides its clients advise in regard to conclusion of commercial contracts from various segments of business including distribution, procurement of goods and services, cooperation, licensing, sponsorship, franchising, joint-venture, whereas we use to focus on a team work as various commercial contracts require various expertise.

Issues we regularly meet in commercial law area often imply a demanding and complex legal engagement in order to fulfil all criteria of a particular transaction. Also, it is crucial rapidly and thoroughly evaluate the risks and problems related to the agreement we analyse, where we have acquired a significant experience so far, due to which we find ourselves capable not only to provide a legal advise but as well to contribute with a strategic one.

For more information, please refer to

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

In today’s rapidly increasing market conditions, market participants are often forced to revise one’s own strategy and, in order to be competitive, create synergy effects through mergers and acquisitions. Mergers, corporate acquisitions and restructurings represent important strategic options for companies and are frequently precepted as most complex transactions entrepreneurs can enter into during their course of business. Bearing this in mind, GGP law firm provides to its clients legal assistance by advising them about most efficient modus of transaction conclusion, in accordance with the law and client’s interests. In these transactions we practise individual approach, aiming to find a tailor-made solution that would function in all segments of transaction.

Our service entails all segments of transaction: from strategic planning, structuring of transaction from corporate and tax aspects, participating in negotiations, preparation of all necessary document up to integration after closing of transaction. We would emphasize a significant experience GGP lawyers have in providing strategic advice to participants of restructuring transactions and transactions directed to companies with financial difficulties.

For more information, please refer to,

Intellectual Property

GGP law firm is an authorized representative for trademarks and industrial design and advises clients how to protect logos and signs they use in their business activities for marking their products and services, as well as how to protect a design of their product.

Our services regularly include counselling regarding intellectual property protection, representing before the State Intellectual Property Institute, representing before courts in litigation proceedings initiated due to infringement of intellectual property rights, settling of disputes,  licencing and general legal advising related to patents, trademarks, industrial design, copyright and related rights and all other intellectual property rights (e.g. know how etc.).

For more information, please refer to

Privacy and Personal Data Protection

Topics regarding privacy and personal data protection today are especially actual and present. General Directive on Protection Regulation (2016/679, GDPR), entered into force on May 24, 2016 significantly increase the necessity to regulate issues regarding adjusting personal dana protection. Inconsistency may generate obligation of payment of very high penalties.

GGP team assists its clients how to adjust to the mentioned General Directive and we provide a wide range of services regarding privacy and personal dana protection; counselling related to dana protection, preparation of code of conduct and obligatory corporate rules, we assist in drafting contracts on dana processing, internal acts and procedures and in procedures  of personal dana infringement.

For more information, please refer to


GGP law firm regularly and on daily basis, consults its clients, majorly corporations as employers in various issues related to employment relationship, whether in regard to collective or individual aspects of labour law.

However, our clients are often workers that address to us with various questions regarding employment, regulation of their employment relationship, contracting and payment of salaries and other material rights, tax implications and daily support regarding employment issues.

Members of GGO team with expertise in employment law, negotiate with employees and employers about all segments of employment rights including rights between managers and the company, management board members and the company and, as well, represent before the courts in employment disputes.

For more information, please refer to,

Public Procurement

Public procurement procedures are strictly formal procedures obliged to be conducted by public and sector customers and other subjects when they supply goods, work or services, all in accordance to Public Procurement Act.

To our clients, who use to be public customers, offerors and competitors, we provide services of legal counselling in public procurement procedures during the process of preparation of public procurement procedure, and during the entire public procurement process.

Bearing in mind a relatively complex and formalized public procurement system in Republic of Croatia and a changing legal framework, clients often require legal counselling regarding formal circumstances of the procedure and its conduct.

As a wide range of goods, work and services is being supplied through public procurement procedures, GGP approaches to its client on a highly individualized level, tending to evaluate client’s requirements within particular procedure, then we chose members of a legal team and present a term sheet in accordance with time periods of public procurement procedure.

For more information, please refer to

Competition law

Competition law provides clear rules of enabling equal conditions for all entrepreneurs on the market. In achieving this goal, the market is being protected from forbidden agreements between entrepreneurs, preventing creation of cartels and cartel activities, preventing misuse of governing position of certain entrepreneurs on the market, with control of entrepreneurs’ concentration.

To this highly complex legal area, we may join the rules governing a state aid. Rules governing competition and state aid manage the way of behaviours of entrepreneurs on the market when passing certain strategic business decisions; in this segment our legal team  is on disposal to its clients with its deep experience and knowledge in this segment by providing highly comprehensive, legal and business wise advice how to avoid potential risks  and consequences that could be caused by an inconsistent acting.

For more information, please refer to

Criminal law and Misdemeneor

From whatever unfortunate reason we may find ourselves immersed in the criminal procedure, whether in the role of a victim, injured person or the accused. In GGP law firm, we represent clients in criminal proceedings initiated regarding all sorts of criminal offences, especially offences against life and body, honour and reputation, property, traffic security, economy, official duty, regardless if we represent on the side of defence or accusation.

Should you have any inquiries or dilemmas, please be free to contact us. Our legal team specialized for the area of criminal and misdemeanour law, with its expertise, experience and dedication could help you cope with your problems in most efficient way, because criminal proceedings is a complex proceeding with a significance of social responsibility, requesting a timely reaction and professional engagement of a lawyer.

For more information please refer to

White collar crime

In representing clients in investigations related to most complex crimes in economy, in GGP law firm we lean on multidisciplinary approach and a wide knowledge covering criminal, commercial and tax law, public procurement and other essential legal areas. When client are confronted with criminal charges for criminal offences of the mentioned segment, we use our best knowledge and experience acquired not only in private attorney ship, but as well during our expert’s earlier work in state authorities and institutions, to assist our clients in going through a difficult investigation process. Our experience in first- and second-degree processes enable us to create a powerful strategy on our clients’ behalf, strongly controlling that institutes of process and material law are not applied the way infringing our clients’ rights.

The complexity of such sort of criminal procedures demands a serious, prudential and careful strategy, coordination and communication as well as engagement of services of outsourced experts of different specializations, in every phase of criminal procedure and defence.

For more information, please refer to

Tax law

Based on our experience, an issue of taxation is very important, sometimes might be essential to entrepreneurs while reaching decisions whether to enter a certain business venture or a certain transaction.

Therefore, being acquainted in tax regulatory system is of an utmost importance in providing a comprehensive legal support to a client.

Our experience so far covers a wide range of services in tax legal area – value added tax, profit tax, income tax, transfer pricing and tax procedures and administrative procedures before administrative courts of first and second degree. In assisting our clients with legal advise directed to tax law, we tend to decrease a business risk for our client, avoid possible tax administrative procedures and solve problems and uncertainties encountered by tax payers while conducting business in the Republic of Croatia.

Often, when the nature of a case implies a specialized knowledge in taxes, we use services of specialized tax advisers.

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