How do we
support development
of young lawyers

GGP law firm employs a team of experts from various legal expertise. Our employees have highest professional qualifications, significant working experience and proven quality in their inner areas of expertise, and their continuous professional development and training improves the level of their legal services.

Associates in our law firm have a chance to refine their college acquainted scientific knowledge through the work in legal practise, governed by mentoring skills of attorneys experienced in various legal fields, with a final goal to become conscientious, responsible and independent experts, each of them in his/her chosen inner field of expertise.

During candidate selection and employment of new associates, GGP law firm highly values the degree of responsibility and independence in work, a drive for professional improvement, deep knowledge of legal institutes and foreign languages.

If you consider for yourself to be our ideal candidate and have ambition to work in an incentive environment, please be free to send your application and CV to an e-mail address

Student practise

If you are eager to acquire new skills, knowledge and experience by working in stimulating working environment where you might find your professional path after graduation, student practice in GGP law firm could be of a significant help.
Legal fields you were interested in theory could be well experienced in practise in our law firm. Multidisciplinary of our law firm is one of largest benefits offered by our firm to students who are eager to learn more and to ease making up their mind in reaching decisions they will be confronting with after graduation. It is rare having a chance to learn from lawyers who have realized themselves within their area of expertise and each of them being specialized in different legal field. Besides, the Law firm is engaged as a legal consultant by various legal entities and natural persons, and by acquiring legal knowledge you have a chance to improve communication and language skills, which are of a huge importance in this business. Practise in GGP law firm generally enables students of law to fin dan answer to a probably most essential question: „what after graduation? “.